My Open Source Projects
List of my little creations:
Repos for (building → releasing → hosting) Windows executables
windows-chewing-tsf-build: My builds of the windows-chewing-tsf (新酷音輸入法 TSF) project.
Now the official project download page redirects to here! - chewing-editor-build: My builds of the Chewing Editor (新酷音詞庫編輯器) project.
- opus-tools_win32-build: My builds of the almighty Opus codec.
- vorbis-tools_win32-build: My builds of the famous Ogg Vorbis codec.
- lame_win32-build: My builds of the long-lived LAME MP3 encoder.
- av1_win32-build: My builds of the AV1 codec.
Projects related to foobar2000 audio player
- foo_xspf_1: Plugin for read & write XSPF playlist in foobar2000.
- foo_uie_dsp_switcher: A dropdown combobox for changing DSP presets quickly in foobar2000.
- foo_uie_output_switcher: A dropdown combobox for changing output device quickly.
- fb2k_example: An example of creating a barebone foobar2000 plugin.
- fb2k_doc: Generate doxygen documentation for foobar2000 SDK.
Projects in C++
- Hash: C++14 header-only easy-to-use hash library.
- OSRandom: C++11 Header-only CSPRNG layer.
- nppAutoDetectIndent: Auto detect indention plugin for Notepad++.
- concurrent: A naive tool that take cmd line commands (from text file or pipe) and execute concurrently.
- static-wpad-server: Minimal HTTP server for serving static wpad.dat.
Projects in Python
- hinet-radio-url: Play HiNet radio in your favourite player! (kinda obsolete now…)
- image_optimize_helpers: Python scripts for batch optimizing image files.
- msys2_package_downloader: Fetch MSYS2 pre-built package and dependencies.
HTML & JavaScript
- bencode online: Bencode & bdecode in your browser.
- slim bookmarks: Remove meta data in exported bookmarks file.
- wifi-card-svg: Print/save a QR code for connecting to your WiFi (fork of bndw/wifi-card)
- bmhs: Boyer–Moore–Horspool algorithm that works with JS Array & TypedArray.
- kmps: Knuth–Morris–Pratt algorithm that works with JS Array & TypedArray.
Some helper programs I wrote when I was dealing with kernel u32 filters
- mask-calculator: Generate masks for a set of numbers.
- mask-enumerator: Enumerate masked numbers.
ArchLinux packages
- This website repository.
- CPU Meter: A Rainmeter skin that displays CPU and RAM usage.
- ksops: A Kubernetes KMS provider with mozilla/sops as the backend.
- qBittorrent-flatpak: Unofficial repository of qBittorrent (flatpak) package.
- qbittorent_msys2: Instructions to compile qBittorrent in MSYS2 environment.
- rlh_sol: My answers to the exercises in “Real World Haskell” book.
- usleep: Sleep microseconds.
- edit-ini: Command line tool for editing .ini files.
Last, the projects that I contributed to, see the list here.
Updated on July 14, 2023